Friday, January 8, 2010

Instructions for Job Seekers Cambridge Blog SIGNUP

Since the blog we'll use for our group is by necessity private -- as in, you have to have an ID/password (and one through, because they own the space), posting the instructions on the actual won't work.

If you've been invited, you'll be getting an email from with the subject "[your name], Job Seeker's Club Networking has invited you to use"

The message starts out:
You have been invited to create a free account by Job Seeker's Club Networking from To accept this invitation,
The 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' string will be filled in with a hashed address string individual to you.

If you click on the link in your individualized email, you'll be taken to a page that looks like this:

  • I'd advise using your real name on the blog, as it's hard enough to remember names without adding screen names to keep straight. Also, it is a private members-only blog, so there isn't much need to keep your identity screened.
  • Use a password you'll remember!
  • Use a valid email address -- you'll be getting a confirmation email in the next step.

The most important part is right above the "Next" button at the bottom of the page. You want to click on "Just a username, please" -- UNLESS, of course, that you want to start a WordPress blog of your own. (You can always go back with your new ID and do just that!)

The next button takes you to this page:

Then you'll get an email at the address you used on the last page, which activates your account once you click on the link.

Once you've done that, just go to and now you can log in using your screen name (such as 'Jesse Jobseeker' in the example above) and the password you chose.

Any problems you can contact me at Connie dot Hirsch at Gmail dot com.