I have a new resume. It's pretty much like the old resume, just a little more targeted at a Java or C# developer job (well, there's actually two main versions of it out there - I could go either way. Seriously, I'm as able with one as the other, and at this point, I'll be grateful for any work at all.
But -- in my quest for better CSS facility, I've been practising and learning, and so while I was at it, I made up a very pretty page for the snazzed up Java Developer resume. That's NOT the one that I send to HR and recruiters, but it was a fun exercize!
You can see it here, or if you'd rather, I also put up a PDF of the conventionally formatted resume.
Giraffe Undergoes Surgery at Zoo Miami
Yesterday, an 8-month-old male giraffe named, “Turtle,” underwent surgery
to remove a bone fragment in his right rear leg. The fragment was most
likely the...
1 year ago